Archive | September, 2020

Medical Tyranny Against Cancer Cures

25 Sep

There’s a tremendous amount of medical tyranny going on today with regards to Covid-19. You can look anywhere from the “cause of death” to the prevention of the symptoms using HCQ, to the actual claim of its existence. Without going into further detail about Covid-19, let’s take a look at the medical tyranny during the 20th Century against any cures for cancer.

Not that this is a comprehensive analysis of all cures for cancer, but this is to show the tyrannical nature of the “professional” medical community against anything that is cheap and effective. Or perhaps more to the point, cannot be patented and exploited for financial gain. Rumor has it after all, there are more people making a living off of treating cancer than those who die from cancer.

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Rene Caisse – Essiac Tea Formula

Rene Caisse started using sheep sorrel, or sourgrass as a cure for cancer around 1923 in Canada.

The story of Rene Caisse’s struggle to make Essiac an official cancer treatment was told by Dr. Gary Glum in his book CALLING OF AN ANGEL: ESSIAC, NATURE’S CURE FOR CANCER. Dr. Glum stated that people who take Essiac on a regular, preventive basis do not get cancer. Dr. Glum interviewed JFK’s personal physician, Dr. Charles Brusch, who stated: “I know Essiac has curing potential. It can lessen the condition of the individual, control it, and it can cure it.”

Rene was offered $1M to sell her formula to a group of doctors. As they refused to offer it as a cancer treatment to anyone for free, she did not sell out.

Sloan-Kettering stonewalled clinical studies, only to later claim it’s non-effectiveness. Unapproved by the FDA, California passed legislation banning any treatments for cancer other than surgery, radiation, and chemo-therapy.

Harry Hoxsey

The saga of Harry Hoxsey is often called “the wildest story in medical history” and could have been written by Mark Twain. In 1924, Harry Hoxsey claimed a cure for cancer, herbal remedies discovered by his great-grandfather.

Thousands of patients swore the treatment cured them, but medical authorities branded Hoxsey the worst cancer quack of the 20th century and he was arrested more times than any other man in medical history.

By the 1950s, Hoxsey’s Texas clinic was the largest private cancer center in the world with branches in 17 states. Two federal courts upheld the therapeutic value of the treatment. Even his arch-nemesis, the AMA, admitted his treatment was effective against some forms of cancer. Harry was the first person in history to win a lawsuit against the AMA for defamation of character

Unlike Rene Caisse, Hoxsey was very rich and could afford legal fights with the FDA, and AMA. Hoxsey won all the legal battles, but in the end, the FBI went to all of his 17 clinics and padlocked their doors.

Max Gerson

Gerson Therapy is based on the belief that disease is caused by the accumulation of unspecified toxins, and attempts to treat the disease by having patients consume a predominantly vegetarian diet including hourly glasses of organic juice and various dietary supplements. Animal proteins are excluded from the diet as a result of pancreatic enzyme deficiency. In addition, patients receive enemas of coffee, castor oil and sometimes hydrogen peroxide or ozone.

In 1958, Gerson published a book in which he claimed to have cured 50 terminal cancer patients: A Cancer Therapy: Results of 50 Cases. In 1953, Gerson’s malpractice insurance was discontinued and, in 1958, his medical license in New York was suspended for two years. Gerson died a year later on March 8, 1959 of pneumonia.

The Gerson Institute is alive and well in San Diego California.

Vitamin B-17 (Laetrile)

In the 1970’s, Dr. Ernst T. Krebs perfected the so-called Trophoblast Cancer theory, once proposed a century earlier by Dr. John Beard. Ernst’s father also worked on the theory during his life. This treatment was and is based on B-17, or laetrile, commonly found in the pit of apricots.

In yet another example of Sloan-Kettering standing in the way of allowing natural cancer treatments, Dr. Kahematsu Sugiura of Slone-Kettering wrote:

Laetrile was more effective in the control of cancer than any substance he had ever tested.

Slone-Kettering pressured Dr. Kahematsu Sugiura to retract his statement.

Dr. John Richardson in San Francisco used laetrile with much success after failing to cure his cancer patients using standard approved methods. He was forced to stop his treatments by the medical community as they were not FDA approved.


So today, when Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Zinc, and a Z-Pack are well known to be an effective treatment for Covid-19, you can more clearly see the forces against such a cheap and effective treatment.