Living without Food

5 Jul

In an attempt to address the nutritional needs of potentially billions of people, a software engineer, originally trying to further simplify a raman noodle meal, developed a powdered food product.

Just like BioCurious who wants to create a Glow-In-The-Dark plant, Rob Rhinehart resorted to crowdsourcing for funding. Where BioCurious needed $65,000 and raised over $480,000, Rob needed $100,000 and got over $750,000. (See Genetic Modification Gone Haywire)

Rhinehart said it only took a bit of research and elementary chemistry to create the first batch of the mixture, which he has tweaked over time. He has been living exclusively on Soylent for about five months now and said he has never felt better in his life. His bloodwork is excellent, he is maintaining a healthy weight for his height, and he has plenty of energy. He even runs frequently.

A recent report estimates that over 50% of the world’s food goes to waste, so this may offer hope. The current Soylent V.8 ingredient list can be found HERE.

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